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Seasons: Sexual Meditation Upon the Phases of Life's Pleasure

"We may 

Remember vividly

Or not so vividly


The pleasures of younger years


The curiosity and confusion

Trying to

Figure out how it works 


Or perhaps

Things we heard of

Others experiencing 


Feeling as if we

Missed out on something 


Or that we are somehow

Missing out now


And how

Over time


learn to

Ride our pleasure

To greater satisfaction 



And over time

Come to

Know what we enjoy

More clearly

We hope"

This erotic hypnosis recording is to aid in coming to terms with the season of life you find yourself in. As time passes we are able to look out across many seasons of our life and grow an appreciation for the distinct flavors of pleasure that come with each. 


Allow your mind to open up and enjoy every phase of life you've experienced. And combine the pleasure of all seasons into one orgasmc climax of appreciation and pleasure.

Seasons: Sexual Meditation Upon the Phases of Life's Pleasure

  • Uncut/Full Length - 25:37

    44.1 kHz MP3

    playable on all devices

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